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Health Tips For Travel Therapists Preparing For A Colonoscopy

by Ray

There is a common fear of undergoing colonoscopy in the first place; and this grows even deeper among travel nurses who have to undergo the procedure ‘on-the-go’. There are various factors like, differences in time, climatic conditions and work schedules a nurse will have to grapple with.

Coordinate with Your Travel Therapy Staffing Solutions Provider Early

This is a critical factor because the first thing you need to do is inform your travel therapy staffing solutions provider. If you have been due for a therapy session or similar, please inform the relevant parties so they can reschedule your appointment. This sort of communication is rather positive as it guarantees, by logical means, that adequate provision for undertaking the preparation has been made. Avoiding unnecessary stress is by the identification of the stressor in advance.

Respect Your Fluid Intake Pre, During as Well as Post Prep

Plenty of fluids is very important and intensive in the preparation for colonoscopy. Make it a point that you undertake preparation in colonoscopy at least a day after undertaking a lot of clear fluids. Electrolyte water, clear broth, and water are most recommended. Traveling nurses usually undergo extreme drought conditions owing to prolonged travels or hot weather situations.

Pack Smart: Don’t Forget Your Colonoscopy Prep Supplies

In the course of packing for your upcoming job, make sure to include all the supplies necessary you need for the Colonoscopy prep.In this regard, ensure that you are not far from drinking clear liquids, several types of broths or any prescribed laxatives. Travel tends to interfere with availability of some items hence having them in place will help relieve stress. If traveling in a car or by a train, consider carrying a small cooler bag. It permits you to transport your clear liquids intact.

Adjust Your Diet a Few Days in Advance

Begin adjusting your diet some days before the colonoscopy prep. For several days, the means to avoid all food with high fiber content, including nuts, seeds, prawn ,whole grain Porridge, raw g.,. These tend to remain long in the digestive system. Instead, choose foods that are moist and come in small pieces such as yogurt, eggs, and white bread.

Make Plans for the Day that is Before the Procedure

The day before the colonoscopy is probably the hardest day. You will drink the prep solution and therefore, frequent trips to a washroom will be inevitable. Finding a relaxed movement is important as a travel therapist. Work with your travel therapy staffing solutions to make sure that you are booked in a location that is isolated and comfortable enough for you to sleep, and even more importantly, have access to a toilet.

Know the Signs and Rest

It is good to look forward to achieving a lot of work and progress at the same time completing your daily duties. Especially when preparing for a procedure, listen to what your body is telling you. Desirable side effects of the laxatives are discomfort, cramping and excessive tiredness. Allow yourself to recuperate.

After the Procedure

You just had a colonoscopy check, and now, you want to recover quickly. You may feel very weak or still bloated after the colonoscopy procedure. Do not rush things, especially if you are scheduled to return to work soon. Remember to drink plenty of fluids, eat small amounts of food, do most of your daily activities, without any heavy lifting or strains, for the next one or two days.


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